If you are ready to set your business on a strong legal foundation and remove obstacles that are blocking your revenue, your search is over.
Welcome to
The Legal Upgrade
If your business is not legally protected, you are leaving money on the table. Strong legal protection is the key to sustainably growing and scaling a business, without feeling like you need to look over your shoulder or lose sleep at night.
Too often, the legal side of business feels complicated and intimidating. We are here to fix all of that. The Legal Upgrade is a targeted process designed to take the legal side of your business from zero to hero. Think of this as a complete renovation of your legal back-end: a holistic transformation that will leave your business ready to take on the world.
Does this sound familiar?
You don't have an ironclad contract for your clients to sign. You're signing bigger and bigger clients, but still using the contract you downloaded from the internet or borrowed from a colleague. You secretly have no idea what "indemnification" or "heretofore" means and you are dreading the day that comes back to bite you. ​
You don't have an buttoned-up contract for your subcontractors to sign. Truth be told, there is nothing stopping them from stealing your ideas (or your clients). You are relying on relationships and handshakes, but you know your business needs something more concrete.
You still haven't trademarked your business name, which means you don't legally own the brand that you've invested so much time, energy, and money into building.
You loose sleep every time there is a legal issue in your business, because you don't have a strong legal foundation.
Let's fix all of that
Let's get your business legally protected so that:
You earn more money (because you're no longer losing money on client projects or poorly written SOWs)
Your subcontractors understand your expectations and you have recourse if they break the rules
Your business name is trademarked and you are the exclusive owner of your brand
You can prevent legal issues in your business before they happen
How does the Legal Upgrade Work?
You want to build your business the right way, but what does that mean? You want to get legally protected, but what does that actually involve?
So glad you asked.
Here is what we will do to completely renovate the legal side of your business and set it on a strong foundation:
Entity Assessment: We will review the paperwork for your LLC, C-Corporation or other entity type. If you are behind on your reports, we will get you up to date so that your business remains in good standing.
Professional Services Agreement: You need one master agreement that all of your clients can sign that is customized for both your industry and your business. We will create a custom agreement that will stand up for your rights and protect you from the unexpected.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Hiring is great...until it's not. We will create a custom agreement for all of your contractors to sign so that you can have the best possible team working for you.
Trademarking: Without a trademark, someone else can steal your business name. Let's get your business registered with the United States Patent and Tradmark Office so you can be recognized as the exclusive legal owner of your brand.
Three Months of Legal Advice Calls: This is going to be a big change for your business, but don't worry, we'll be with you every step of the way. The first three months will be the most intensive, so we will meet monthly to make sure things are on track and to chat through any legal challenges you may be facing.